(Safeguarding Advocate)
A few years ago I worked in the care sector however due to ill health I had to leave. I am now on the other side and I’m now a service user with knowledge of safeguarding. I myself know that there are risks of physical, mental, emotional and financial and feel the knowledge I have can be used with Ben to help others to ensure safety is a priority and stop abuse. I am a middle aged lady receiving a care package from Just a Little Company since July 2021. Historically I worked in the care sector however due to ill health I was unable to continue. I have been receiving care for 2 years now and having the experience of both working in the healthcare sector and receiving care allows me to have a unique insight into the risks of safeguarding from both perspectives. I am aware of the types of abuses and the signs and symptoms to monitor and feel that I have the knowledge and perspective to support Just a Little Company, particularly Chrissy. My goal will be to ensure that I am a point of contact for other service users and that staff attending to me and others are fully aware of safeguarding and when working with peers to ensure they feel included in the process as I want to ensure safety of all and prevent abuse from occurring.