01246 267929 (office hours), 07852 100247 (out of hours)) contact@justalittlecompany.uk


Personalisation Champion

Hi my name is Paul, I am a Personalisation Champion for the company. Here’s a little about myself. I am blind and partially paralysed, this is due to me being in a coma from my diabetes. My sugars can go up and down very quickly. But please don’t let that fool you. Because I am blind and stuck in a bed some people assume I should be sad and dull but this isn’t the case as everyone that knows me knows that I am not like that. My philosophy is take every day as it comes and live life to the full.

A little about my past. As a young lad I knew Ialways wanted to try different things. From the second year of junior school I decided to go work in my family’s scrap yard. When I got a little older I worked up and down the country on the fair ground. I did car mechanics at college and carpentry. I wanted to join the army. I made it into the first step of the army. About mid training I found out I had asthma so that didn’t pan out. Then went and made diving suits for the navy. I moved into doing ground work in Creswell doing building work inside and outside. Did scaffolding and brick laying. Put my hand in creating a picnic area around Creswell Crags.

Now I have 24/7 care one of the things I enjoy doing is collecting retro games and computers. I also like collecting films, I have a good collection. I like being able to have control and being listened to. It takes a decent company to allow this. I input with client confidentiality, personalisation and data protection. My family has worked in care way back before my Grandad was born so I have heard every story and know what great care should be.